Vampire Rave 2023 Halloween Contest Winners.
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Royal Sire (208)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
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00:45:22 Nov 02 2023
Read 340 times

Time for the Winners of the 2023 Halloween Contest to be announced!

First- all three judges agree this year was the hardest to cast our votes, rate. Some great profile designs, poetry and stories were entered this year and we thank each of you for your efforts. But sadly, we only have 4 winners.

Premium Profile: AllHallowsEveNight

Link: AllHallowsEveNight

Free Member Profile: RASPUTIN


Poetry: EstrangedOne

Link: EstrangedOne

Children of The Hallows

Come one, come all… Brethren of the Fall…
Join me from the coldest shallows… Children of the Hallows…

Can you hear the howling of the hounds;
The call of the crows as their murders now impose;
The gathering of a night unbound,
In the candlelight, the faces that scar your sight?

As layin’ in the tombs, awakened by the swoon,
The vampires’ whisper o’er a fog-heavy dune;
The melancholy roar of the ghosts galore,
And the Witches begin to stir their cauldron a-boiling roar?

Walking alone, upon the wailing night;
Even side-by side, in a prancing rite;
Cackles so maniacal, ringing in your ears;
No need for justification.
It is time to embrace your greatest fears.

We have been here so many times before;
It is just so different, to-day, as the sun falls b‘yond the shore;
With the demons and devils, terrors and more,
In tow of the falling daylight, knocking at the door…

Come, ye, hither, brother and sister, One And All,
Beckoned by the season, the burning of the fall…
It is time to heed the autumn call of the night’s new shadows,
Awaken, once again, ye Children of the Hallows.

Brethren to the thorn, a toccata reborn,
In the spells of a world now long forlorn,
Nothing is condemned for the thrill, this night,
As long as we heed that code and plight…

Laughing with a madness, Cackle with the jackal at your side,
Raise the lanterns high with pride;
All things sanctified and vilified,
Since the dawn of time,
On this night, let the ostracized
Become the only rule you can’t deny.

One and all, faces in the walls,
Stand, everyone, now, proud and tall;
Become the black sheep of your own worlds,
As the wind may echo like a maniac's words.

Border on the mad-lands, and become manic;
Let the devilish light flicker in your eyes so tantric;
So sickeningly fantastic,
Let your minds, tonight, go frantic.

To drive away the demons that lie inside,
Let the lanterns light the path, for you;
Let the flames of the bonfire in your minds
Swirl and swoon, the madness to ensue.

Walk in the light of the jack-o-lanterns,
While the night draws on, as the fire still burns.
Join from the shadows, like the burning gallows;
Children of the Hallow.

First Place Story: Maleficaria

Link: Maleficaria

~Cirque du Illusio~

Come and sit a spell, warm yourself by the fire while I spin a tale for you. Fall is the time of warm ciders, haunted houses and hayrides, candied apples and Jack-o-lanterns; a time of practical jokes, scares and spooks. It is also a time of change, when the leaves turn and dry, the air shifts and cools, there is such magic in the turning of the seasons; as life begins its long slumber. For this is when the borders between the world of the living and the realm of spirits thin and blur…where it fades.

There is one such place where the veil is thin and the spirits gather. At the edge of a forest there is a small trail that appears before curious travelers. Soft echoes of music and laughter dance amongst the trees as scents of buttery popcorn and treats float within gentle breezes. Following as it beckons they press on deeper and deeper, not knowing that as they traverse the path they are slowly slipping from what is stark into what is ethereal. As the sounds grow clearer, louder and the scents grow stronger, washing over them they lose the perception of time as it no longer exists here.

Coming upon a great opening amidst the trees they see the lights and the signs welcoming them, the great tent, the food stalls scattered along the outer ring, the games littered across the field, the majestic animals in their cages, the smiling faces of children eating their treats, aweing at the sights. Families, friends and lovers being wooed by the Fortune Teller, the acrobats as they fly, the clowns as they play their tricks and skits. Longing to be part of it all they pay the toll and join in the frolicking; eating and drinking and laughing all while being wooed and lured themselves.

Lost in the frivolities they fail to notice the eyes of the Ringmaster and his cirkies on them; watching every move and gesture, every bite and swallow, every gluttonous lick of a lip and finger. The fortune teller spies into her crystal ball and her fingers dance over the cards as she pulls them further beguiling them with promises of some great and lofty purpose in their future. The juggler astounds them with his feats of tossing and catching flaming objects and sharp blades. The game masters and vendors all sway and lull them into further gluttony; buy, eat, drink, stay just a little longer, have your fill and then some! Smiles stretch too thin…too wide as they bait them into sticking around for the big show.

As the sun sets along the west horizon, the lights shine bright, the horns blow, as the curtains to the grand tent slowly pull back and the lost souls enter and fill the arena. One by one the clowns come out, laughing and playing, taking their turns at the captive audience. The aerialists fly and plunge, making the onlookers' hearts plunge and beat with them as they ohh and ahh. Elephants play and lions roar, at the crack of the whip and the rise and fall of the claps and cheers. On and on the show goes on, a never ending escapade of thrills and chills, wonders and sights. Night turns to day, turns to night and then back to day, but as I said time fails to be relevant here. In this slippage the lost fail to see that they are fading, waning, becoming thin as the creatures of this show do feast, slowly sipping from them all that they are.

Silence falls as the Ringmaster takes his place upon the platform, his arms stretching as wide as his toothy smile. His boney pet contorting and slinking to his side, her eyes sunken, her nails rotting, he strokes her brittle, dark hair and smiles as the audience uncomfortably shifts. Raising his arms once more the rest of the cirkies appear and the illusions slowly fade. The bright lights of the circus dim and flicker, the colorful tent and outfits lose their brilliance and dinge takes its place, years of rot and tatter..decay set in. Gone are the happy facades of the Ringmaster and his crones, instead they see them for who and what they really are, starving, predatory, It is in the here and now that they come to realize as everything slowly rots around them that in fulfilling their gluttonous desires they have condemned themselves.

Weakened and unable to move, unable to scream, left with no choices but to watch as the Circus closes in on them for the final feed, the big finale as it were…they are left knowing that this is the never ending cycle, the cycle of their own lives, their own greed, their own pious desires. Their lights dim as the great gaping maw swallows. Is this the end? No, not for them and not for anyone that finds their way here, this is just the beginning as they join the Cirque du Illusio, drawing more and more in, to come and continue the cycle, the insatiable craving and hunger that never ends.

1st place came down to one point in all the catalogs, closest we have ever had in all these years. I will send a message to the winners, and move forward with handing out the prizes. I wish to give my thanks to Elemental and Master Vampire Nightgame for being the other judges.

And again- THANK YOU to all who entered. I hope it bought just a touch of Halloween to your hearts as you entered or just read and viewed the profiles. Please take the time to stop by all the profiles, and poems/ story creators and give some love for entering the contest. A lot of effort was put into each one of these entries. I appreciated everyone for putting forth the effort, making this year contest a success.

Till next year- Hope all your nights have a little spook in them.

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Royal Sire (208)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
Vampire Rave member for 18 years.
01:25:34 Nov 02 2023
Read 325 times

Again- Thank you to all who took the time, effort to enter. And the story about the grandmother being ate... thanks for that nightmare last night. lol

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01:29:40 Nov 02 2023
Read 321 times

There were so many good entries this year. Much love to those who had to judge, that couldn't have been easy. And, a big congratulations to the winners! You were all so creative!

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High Sire (157)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
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01:34:00 Nov 02 2023
Read 320 times

Well, Alright, then.

A Big Congrats to Everyone of the fellow 1st-place winners; AllHallowsEveNight, Maleficaria, RASPUTIN. And everyone else who took part, I will say everyone did some fine work.

Now, for my own order-- anyone among the Free members who took part but didn't make the final cut, here; if you would like to have your shot at a Premium Membership, message me and I'll see who I would rather pass the Premium to. The one thing I ask, first, is that you let me know in your message(s) what your part in the contest was, so I can take another gander at it.
If no one reaches out to me in the next day, I will simply pass the Premium to whomsoever was among the runners-up class.

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High Sire (159)
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13:22:26 Nov 02 2023
Read 292 times

These are SO GOOD! Congratulations!

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Incendiary (86)
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14:25:43 Nov 02 2023
Read 286 times

Congratulations to all who took part in this years contest.

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Superior Sire (144)
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The House of Umbrae Octo is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Umbrae Octo
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00:03:52 Nov 03 2023
Read 267 times

Congratulation to all those who won or had the guts to enter, they were all great!

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Great Sire (115)
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The House of Nocturnal Retribution is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Nocturnal Retribution
19:45:03 Nov 03 2023
Read 246 times

Congratulations on all the winners truly fantastic the ones I have seen

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Sire (105)
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The House of Nocturnal Retribution is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Nocturnal Retribution
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15:43:28 Nov 04 2023
Read 233 times

I am going to echo everyone else here, everyone who took part did a fantastic job, thanks for making the contest great and I hope we have even more entries next year!

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